Friday, June 18, 2010

cheer up

my apologies as i realized that the title of my last post was so depressing. this site is suppose to be about the uttmost joy, hope and happiness and i for one certainly want to support this. forgive me....

lots of baby dust


  1. This site is for support and encouragement. Don't EVER feel bad for sharing your feelings! We will support you in good times and in bad...

    Thinking about you, and super big hugs!!!

  2. You're a real person with real feelings. Don't apologize for being honest. Take time to grieve. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. Just means your human....that's a good thing. Besides, perpetually cheerful people annoy the heck out of me.

  4. real friendship require real emotion. we all understand what you're going through.

